3 Simple Things You Can Do to Keep Your Pet Safe at Easter

3 Simple Things You Can Do to Keep Your Pet Safe at Easter

Easter pet safety is on my mind. Why? Because sweet treats can cause potentially fatal problems for dogs, with cases doubling over Easter period. Let's face it, chocolate is everywhere at Easter, and our doggies can find our sweets if we're not careful. Figures from Agria Pet Insurance found that cases of chocolate poisoning rose [...]

3 Essential Easter Pet Safety Tips

3 Essential Easter Pet Safety Tips

3 Essential Easter Pet Safety Tips Growing up with dogs, I quickly learned that Easter, much like other Holidays, involved potential hazards for my pets. I recall as a young mom hiding the chocolate and plastic eggs for our yearly "Easter egg hunt," and then scouring the yard over and over to ensure that NO [...]

Sweetest Mother’s Day Prayer

Sweetest Mother’s Day Prayer

Happy Mother's Day! Today I wrote a Mother's Day Prayer with my mom in mind, but also to share with mothers everywhere. Mom, if you're reading this, after the prayer is also a special image and quote written just for you! 💕 Heavenly Father, Thank you for my beautiful mom, who has loved and cared [...]

Moments With My Sunshine [painting pottery]

Moments With My Sunshine [painting pottery]

"He has made everything beautiful in its time. He has also set eternity in the human heart; yet no one can fathom what God has done from beginning to end."—Ecclesiastes 3:11

"He has made everything beautiful in its time . . ."—Ecclesiastes 3:11
Painting pottery with my sunshine (aka my precious daughter) was the highlight of my week!
The process of creating something beautiful was really eye opening, and exciting. All sorts of bare pottery lined the walls . . .