Happiness Tip [Believe God is Working All Things For Good]

“And we know that God works all things together for the good of those who love Him, who are called according to His purpose.” Romans 8:28

Happiness Tip #2: Believe that God works all things together for good

Heartache and tragedy are all around us. Just this week our hearts broke as we watched on the news images of Notre Dame Cathedral in flames. In moments of pain, we definitely need time to mourn. Grieving is healthy, and allows time to process our pain. One of the greatest truths to cling to during difficult moments is found in the Bible, in Romans 8:28: “And we know that God works all things together for the good of those who love Him, who are called according to His purpose.” Yes, God is working. We may not see the good right away, but we can trust that He is carefully fitting together all the broken (and the beautiful) pieces of our life together, and making something magnificent! Happiness comes as we trust Him, and wait on Him, while He works all things together for good.

“We cannot always trace God’s hand, but we can always trust His heart.” — Charles Spurgeon

Our thoughts and prayers are especially with the people of France. The bells will ring again.

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Leila Grandemange is a Christian author, speaker, devotional writer, choreographer and dancer. She is passionate about sharing the hope, healing, and happiness found in Christ.


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Pawz & Pray (2nd edition): Finding Joy in the Journey with God, Family, and my Furry Friends!

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An interactive 5-step journey to knowing God


14 thoughts on “Happiness Tip [Believe God is Working All Things For Good]

    1. Awe, thank you Jessica! God is so good! Thanks for the encouraging words. Wanted to add, love your profile photo and smile. I can see God’s love shinning through you! You are a blessing, and I pray God’s blessing on your day 🤗💕

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  1. It has been my prayer for several years now that God will send revival to Europe, and that in my lifetime we will see Europe’s great cathedrals filled to overflowing with true worshipers. I can’t help thinking this is one piece of the puzzle, and that it might make believers in France bolder in sharing their faith. I’m also hoping that many people will soon see that the true Church is not a building, but PEOPLE. 😉

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    1. Hi Annie! I love that you’re praying for revival in Europe! I agree, the church is not a building. It’s the people. You’ve inspired me to pray also for revival. I loved reading your email and thoughts shared regarding the tragedy and France. I’m writing back soon. You are SUCH an encouraging person I’m so happy to have met you! May God be glorified and His named adored through all the earth 🙏🏻

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      1. Oh now that would be fun! If only we lived closer though! We can still pray about it though, who knows. In the meantime, we could pray about trying to promote the Christian Arts somehow in our blog posts and then sharing with each other’s audiences. Let’s pray about that. My grammar is horrible I would never have noticed a misspelling Lol 🤗

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