Comparison Free!

Do you long to live comparison free? No more measuring yourself up to others? No more feeling captive to what you think you should look like, feel like, or become? It all begins by acknowledging the root of comparison…

Comparison is rooted in the flesh, otherwise known as our sin nature. It’s that ugly, stubborn, dark side that continually wars with our spirit and seeks to draw us away from God’s will (Galatians 5:17). We break free from fleshly desires by fixing our mind on things above, where we can find freedom to flourish into all we were meant to be.

Dear child of God, you only have one measure to compare yourself too, God’s Word. God’s Word helps us see our life through the lens of Truth. “Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free” (John 8:32).

The truth is, God loves you right now, right where you are. You are a masterpiece in the making, beautiful, accepted, cherished, and eternally loved.

Life is too short to live less than loved 😍

Be encouraged, live comparison free!

Leila Grandemange 🧡

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